
difference of material testing machine and tensile testing machine

difference of material testing machine and tensile testing machine


Material test refers to the ability of materials to resist deformation or damage under the action of external force, which is called the mechanical properties of materials. The mechanical properties of materials include strength, plasticity, elasticity, brittleness, fracture toughness, hardness, etc. Types of material tests include mechanical property tests, physical tests, and chemical tests. Tensile test is to apply a load on both ends of the sample, so that the sample is subjected to axial tensile force and elongated in the axial direction until the sample breaks, so as to determine the tensile strength and plastic properties of the material.

 300KN tensile tester

From the appearance, both the material testing machine and the tensile testing machine can be divided into single-column/single-arm structure, portal/two columns structure, horizontal structure, etc. The common control methods of material testing machine and tensile testing machine are digital display box control and computer software control.

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Both the material testing machine and the tensile testing machine can perform performance testing of plastic sheets, pipes, profiles, plastic films and rubber, cables and wires, waterproof coils, metals and other materials.


Material testing machines refer to all testing machines for material properties, such as tensile, compression, bending, peeling, shearing, compression, fatigue, hardness, etc. of materials, while tensile testing machines usually refer to measuring the tensile force of materials, which is the One of the performance indicators, such as the tensile test of plastic sheets, rubber, metal steel wires, and non-metallic materials. The testing range of the material testing machine is wider than that of the tensile testing machine.

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Tensile testing machine can be divided into plastic tensile testing machine, rubber tensile testing machine, metal and non-metal tensile testing machine; material testing machine includes material hardness tester, material compression resistance, material fatigue and so on.

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